Hurricane season is a dangerous time for homeowners and businesses. These severe storms may include heavy winds, hail and flooding, which can cause severe bodily harm, wreak havoc on your property, and have lasting ramifications for your future. The best way to minimize damages and losses caused by a hurricane is to implement adequate precautions ahead of time.
Hurricane Precautions to Consider
There are many ways for homeowners and businesses to prepare for the threat of hurricanes. Consider the following steps: 
- Plan your evacuation. Keeping yourself and those around you safe should be the highest priority when a hurricane is approaching. Plan your route and evacuation process in advance and include steps for keeping valuables and important documents safe.
- Prepare an emergency kit. Hurricanes may cause crowds of people to rush to stores in search of supplies. Plan ahead by compiling an emergency kit that includes essentials, such as batteries, matches, drinking water, non-perishable food, a first-aid kit and other necessary medical supplies.
- Protect your property. Make your home or business more resilient to severe weather by trimming nearby tree branches, installing storm shutters, utilizing proper doors and windows, and clearing gutters and downspouts.
- Consider communication. Residents should ensure they have the means to contact family members and emergency services, while companies should be prepared to update employees, suppliers and vendors about the status of operations, such as business interruptions.
- Review your insurance. Having the right coverage for your property will be vital in helping you recoup any hurricane losses. This includes taking an inventory of your possessions to ensure you have enough coverage to recoup potential losses.
Understanding Hurricane Terminology
It’s imperative that you monitor forecasts regularly to be aware of hurricanes or other weather-related threats. To accurately assess potential risk, familiarize yourself with the following terms:
- Tropical storm—These storms include conditions with sustained winds between 39 and 73 mph. A watch means a tropical storm is possible within the next 48 hours while a warning means such conditions are expected within the next 36 hours.
- Hurricane—Hurricane conditions include sustained winds of 74 mph or greater. A watch is issued approximately 48 hours before such conditions are believed to be possible, whereas a warning means a hurricane is expected approximately 36 hours after the announcement is made. Complete any preparations within those time windows and be prepared to evacuate immediately if so ordered.
- Storm surge—A storm surge means there may be life-threatening conditions caused by rising water moving inland. A storm surge watch suggests this could happen within the next 48 hours while a warning means such conditions are expected within the next 36 hours. Remain apprised of any evacuation orders from local officials.
Stay Safe and Protect Your Property
Severe weather is a constant threat, but hurricanes are particularly serious. Both homeowners and businesses must remain vigilant to ensure losses are minimized. But even those who conduct their due diligence and take the proper precautions may still find themselves facing severe damages.
Fortunately, the insurance experts at Lupton & Luce Inc. are well-versed in helping people in the Riverhead area acquire proper coverage for their homes, businesses and valuables. Contact us today to receive a quote or to learn more.
This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.