Lupton & Luce Blog: homeowners insurance
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Friday, June 24, 2022Even when a tree is rooted on someone else’s property, if it falls onto your side of your property line, you are generally responsible for handling any damage and removing the portion of the tree on your property. Your homeowners insurance policy may help pay to repair or replace your damaged property and remove the tree from your yard or home. READ MORE >>
Friday, August 20, 2021Part of owning a home is knowing how to protect it with insurance. Not all home insurance policies are created equal, after all, and it is important to know the ins and outs of your home and the dangers it faces when exploring the insurance options available. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 30, 2021When you buy your home, you want it to last. That means using proper maintenance and upkeep practices to safeguard the property. However, it’s not possible to watch every square inch of your home all the time. There’s always a chance that simple wear and tear could lead to problems that you can’t detect. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 17, 2021 Insuring your home means not only insuring your dwelling, but also the possessions that you have inside it. After all, they are at as much of a risk of being damaged by a hazardous event as the house itself. As a foundational step to getting coverage, you must buy personal possessions insurance as part of your homeowners policy. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, December 29, 2020 Insurance policies are going to cost money, including your homeowners policy. However, the cost of your plan—your premium—is going to be a lot less than any claim you will likely ever have to make against it. Still, you of course want to pay a price that will offer you a good value for your chosen benefits. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 30, 2020 You buy homeowners insurance because you want it to help you afford the costs of recovering from hazardous events on your property. After all, without it, you could face financial hardships as a result of a claim that has no coverage. However, you can’t buy the cheapest or most convenient policy option and expect it to provide adequate coverage. READ MORE >>
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