Let us customize your insurance for the best possible price.
We browse through a wide variety of coverages and find the right one for you.
Customize your business insurance for peace of mind.
Let us help you protect you and your loved ones for years to come.
Hallock Luce IV, President hal@luptonandluce.com ext. 2225
Mark A. Patrick – Sales Executive mark@luptonandluce.com ext. 2224
Kenneth E. Rendeiro – Sales Executive ken@luptonandluce.com ext. 2223
Michael R. Luce – Sales Executive michael@luptonandluce.com ext. 2228
Personal Lines Department
Dawn Bucher – Personal Lines Supervisor dawn@luptonandluce.com ext. 2233
Katie Cantwell – Account Executive katie@luptonandluce.com ext. 2232
Danielle Zeidler – Account Executive danielle@luptonandluce.com ext. 2234
Alyssa Michalouski – Personal Lines Assistant alyssa@luptonandluce.com ext. 2231
Commercial Lines Department
Cassandra Fritz – Commercial Lines Supervisor Cassandra@luptonandluce.com ext. 2245
Pamela Conway – Account Executive pam@luptonandluce.com ext. 2244
Alaina Colletti -Account Executive alaina@luptonandluce.com ext. 2242
Ellie Kellershon – Commercial Lines Assistant ellie@luptonandluce.com ext. 2243
Patricia Kwasna, Operations Director pat@luptonandluce.com ext. 2210
Lauren McGuirk, Bookkeeping Assistant lauren@luptonandluce.com ext. 2212
Rima Milligan rima@luptonandluce.com ext. 2201
General E-mail info@luptonandluce.com